
Stacks and Queues

Write three classes, Stack, Queue and Node. The Stack class will have a top property, Queue will have a front property(1). The following methods can be called on the Stack and Queue classes.


Stack should have these four different methods:

.push(value) (adds a node with value to the top of the stack)
Input: a value object to add to the stack’s top
Output: none

.pop() (remove the node at the top of the stack and return its value)
Input: none
Output: the value of the node removed from the top of the stack
Edge Case(s):

.peek() (returns the value of the node at the top of the stack)
Input: none
Output: the value of the node at the top of the stack
Edge case(s):

.isEmpty() (returns a boolean representing whether the stack is empty)
Input: none
Output: a boolean representing whether the stack is empty

Queue should have these four different methods:

.enqueue(value) (adds a node with value to the end of the queue)
Input: a value object to add to the queue’s end
Output: none

.dequeue() (remove the node at the front of the queue and return its value)
Input: none
Output: the value of the node removed from the front of the queue
Edge Case(s):

.peek() (returns the value of the node at the front of the queue)
Input: none
Output: the value of the node at the front of the queue
Edge case(s):

.isEmpty() (returns a boolean representing whether the queue is empty)
Input: none
Output: a boolean representing whether the queue is empty

PseudoQueue should have these three different methods:

.enqueue(value) (adds a node with value to the end of the pseudoqueue)
Input: a value object to add to the pseudoqueue’s end
Output: none

.dequeue() (remove the node at the top of the pseudoqueue and return its value)
Input: none
Output: the value of the node removed from the top of the pseudoqueue
Edge Case(s):

.peek() (returns the value of the node at the top of the pseudoqueue)
Input: none
Output: the value of the node at the top of the pseudoqueue
Edge case(s):

Approach & Efficiency

(1) I found that it was necessary to also add an end property to the Queue and PseudoQueue class to maintain O(1) time performance.

Big O Notation


Write tests to prove the following functionality:



Hello Teacher Mohamed I’m Emad This is Screen Shot of Test
