Step through the pseudo code for merge sort. Write a blog style article and solve it.
Review the pseudocode below, then trace the algorithm by stepping through the process with the provided sample array. Document your explanation by creating a blog article that shows the step-by-step output after each iteration through some sort of visual.
Once you are done with your article, code a working, tested implementation of Merge Sort based on the pseudocode provided.
ALGORITHM Mergesort(arr)
DECLARE n <-- arr.length
if n > 1
DECLARE mid <-- n/2
DECLARE left <-- arr[0...mid]
DECLARE right <-- arr[mid...n]
// sort the left side
// sort the right side
// merge the sorted left and right sides together
Merge(left, right, arr)
ALGORITHM Merge(left, right, arr)
DECLARE i <-- 0
DECLARE j <-- 0
DECLARE k <-- 0
while i < left.length && j < right.length
if left[i] <= right[j]
arr[k] <-- left[i]
i <-- i + 1
arr[k] <-- right[j]
j <-- j + 1
k <-- k + 1
if i = left.length
set remaining entries in arr to remaining values in right
set remaining entries in arr to remaining values in left