
Challenge Summary

Step through the pseudo code for merge sort. Write a blog style article and solve it.

Challenge Description

Review the pseudocode below, then trace the algorithm by stepping through the process with the provided sample array. Document your explanation by creating a blog article that shows the step-by-step output after each iteration through some sort of visual.

Once you are done with your article, code a working, tested implementation of Merge Sort based on the pseudocode provided.

Pseudo Code

ALGORITHM Mergesort(arr)
    DECLARE n <-- arr.length
    if n > 1
      DECLARE mid <-- n/2
      DECLARE left <-- arr[0...mid]
      DECLARE right <-- arr[mid...n]
      // sort the left side
      // sort the right side
      // merge the sorted left and right sides together
      Merge(left, right, arr)

ALGORITHM Merge(left, right, arr)
    DECLARE i <-- 0
    DECLARE j <-- 0
    DECLARE k <-- 0

    while i < left.length && j < right.length
        if left[i] <= right[j]
            arr[k] <-- left[i]
            i <-- i + 1
            arr[k] <-- right[j]
            j <-- j + 1
        k <-- k + 1

    if i = left.length
       set remaining entries in arr to remaining values in right
       set remaining entries in arr to remaining values in left

Approach & Efficiency

Author : Emad Idris ✌✌✌✌✌✌✌✌✌✌✌✌✌



Hello Teacher Mohamed I’m Emad This is Screen Shot of Test
