

Resolved by Emad Idris


Create a class that will allow creation of new nodes, search for matching contents and a string of the generated list.

Create methods that will allow the creation of new nodes at then end of a linked list, before a given value and after a given value.

Approach & Efficiency

append: iterate through list to find null. assign new node to current

insertBefore: set next node to variable, iterate through list to find next to equal given value, set to new node, set new to saved variable next.

insertAfter: iterate list to find given value, assign current to new node when given value is found.


insert() - Inserts new node at beginning of linked list making whichever value that was added last, the head and pointing to the value that was previously head.

includes() - Checks to see if a value exists within the linked list and returns either true or false.

toString() - Returns the elements found in a linked list as a string.

append() - append a node at the end of a linked list

insertBefore() - add a new node before the node of a given value

insertAfter() - add a new node after the node of a given value

