
Challenge Summary

Implementation: Graphs

Challenge Description

Implement your own Graph. The graph should be represented as an adjacency list, and should include the following methods:

  1. AddVertex()

    • Adds a new node to the graph

    • Takes in the value of that node

    • Returns the added node

    • Space: O(1), Time: O(1)

  2. AddEdge()

    • Adds a new edge between two nodes in the graph

    • Include the ability to have a “weight”

    • Takes in the two nodes to be connected by the edge

    • Both nodes should already be in the Graph

    • Space: O(1), Time: O(1)

  3. GetNodes()

    • Returns all of the nodes in the graph as a collection (set, list, or similar)

    • Graph of V vertices and E edges
    • Space: O(n), Time: O( V + E )
  4. GetNeighbors()

    • Returns a collection of edges connected to the given node

    • Takes in a given node

    • Include the weight of the connection in the returned collection

    • Graph of V vertices and E edges
    • Space: O(n), Time: O(n)
  5. Size()

    • Returns the total number of nodes in the graph

    • Graph of V vertices and E edges
    • Space: O(n), Time: O( V + E )
  6. BreadthFirst()

    • Traverses the entire graph breadth first.

    • Graph of V vertices and E edges
    • Space: O(n), Time: O( V + E )
  7. function getEdge()

    • which takes in a graph, and an array of city names

    • return whether the full trip is possible with direct flights, and how much it would cost

    • Graph of V vertices and E edges
    • Space: O(n), Time: O(( V + E )^2)
  8. function depthFirstPre()

    • which takes in adjacency list as a graph and conducts depth first traversal

    • returns collection of nodes in their pre-order

    • Graph of V vertices and E edges
    • Space: O(n), Time: O( V + E )

Author : Emad Idris ✌✌✌✌✌✌✌✌✌✌✌✌✌